Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Can I Drink Alcoho6 Hours Atfer Taking Lorazepam

terrorist Thought

oozes Note irony, nay, sarcasm!, is sharp, sharp and is full of bad blood (as if I had written it!). Ramon Ballester a teacher, painter, writer, gestalt therapist, a disciple of Claudio Naranjo, art therapist and terrorism ..., sorry: warrior. I do not know what year it is the note, but that suits us is falling, and the man ... wait is not that many comments, to the end of the grime and giving the note itself, but it is so accurate, so disturbing, that deserves to be posted on the blog of rab / /. as we provide long distance with a glass optical fiber. Or a drink absinthe.
Here goes:

C arta open to my colleague has ... of good cheer.

Goodnight colleague has. This text tries to hurt your little sensitivity. Enjoy.

Let's start at the beginning, bluntly: We are murderers. Unborn, but murderers. Legal murderers, our killings are legitimate. And clean. We do not kill us. We do not kill us directly. Kill us. We have a wonderful invention that allows us. The democracy, rule of mediocrity. It's fantastic. This procedure sends the highest bidder, the more interested, the best selling. We do not have to worry, because with this system will always be all right.

We have the media for misinformation and provide a semblance of justice for the massacres. It can kill and kill and kill with impunity. You can die, take life, destroy, destroy entire villages, destroying ... Because we are interested in wood, or oil, or friends of someone apparently, or entertain, in a display Malabar in the public eye at one point and make any embezzlement elsewhere, or just practice and use weapons, that's what they are.

course without using strong words. We are fine and delicate and can not listen without shame. It's more elegant about low intensity conflict, ethnic cleansing, collateral damage and tragic mistakes. Imposes more and gives you the thing seriously.

We murderers and this is a farce, dear. But you have to do a little blind eye. We can not go kill outright. It would be an art. We must find reasons and arguments, make sense of the killings. We also have our little heart and we can not in any way, must be justified, there must be a bad thing. If no, not funny. Murderers, ma'am, but polite. How can we teach our children, if not a little hypocrisy ...?

On the other hand we are at a particularly cowardly cracked and full of maniacs Purete protesters and tear their clothes. We need more than ever to wash our hands in peace, while listening to top forty and continued, albeit with concern, the downs Barca, how is the tobillito de Guardiola, poor, or the Dutch twin knee.

And see that some do not learn that that's the system, and we with it. It is not necessary to insist, at this point, that we are the system. They want to fuck with the ball! Of course we all partake of the one heart, human, life. And of course the life of this being is what we do with it. What you believe, we do not know? This is precisely why this hatred we feel cold and clean as well. Because we all know that we expect in the death row for the suit of wood.

know that we are alone and abandoned in this planetita fool. And is the condition of our stupidity that the evolution of intelligence partner will not understand the existence and value of life. Let alone the development of consciousness. And this is fucked. And we know it. But some do not find out yet what is the song.

Life is not worth anything. When we stop and feel and we entertain, we do not know what to do or what is the meaning of nothing. Born and no one asks for permission, nor die. Sometimes we watchful eye and love someone, big mistake. We know that sooner or later we will have to dismiss. And we hurt. Every time we love, we know that cagamos and we have to forget. We can only love if we forget. There have to be silent under threat of pain to come. We can only deliver in parts. Moreover, delivering what? if we know we are bullshit. Every time we win something, unless we increase our unconsciousness, we refused to enjoy it, because we know what we can remove, or may cause damage, or end. We can only enjoy if you forget. Should not we feel hatred and anger? Well, some do not find out what it costs to maintain this oversight.

Thank God we have the ignorance. Ignorance, which all participate, and we care to both mime, saves us. In our homes we are confident in our cities, our culture, in this virtual paradise television, which witnessed how bad it is a world that has to be completely alien. We live through movies, television and newspapers and now we communicate online and mobile. Between films, we may mistake, thank god, what movie and what is reality. So it should be. We must harden our souls. Massacres of unspeakable cruelty, mass exodus of entire nations, dying children, women, broken, missing men hate and panic crossed ... because, like us. It needs to be well. And affects us quite the death of a loved one, as we care for the death of someone we do not know.

Gila gave an example the other day very nice. In this wonderful program of laughs and stars, which helps both to dream, scene after his cynical about the war directly, and the fun gossip about tanks and rockets, he turned serious and said he felt about the war. She told the boxing match of a Jodorowsky film, in where the two fighters struck with barbed wire gloves until they drop dead, someone asks who won and a judge says, which fell last ... We know that will happen to us. While we are friends of the Americans win all wars ... The latest falls, falls better understand?

course, as in Kosovo is that we have very close, and those few that do not learn, they get nervous. What nonsense. The looting and the extermination of Native American jungle or the jungles of Indonesia, does not bother anyone. What happened in Chile or Argentina or Chiapas or Ethiopia ... The slaughter of Uganda and Algeria, the Gulf disaster or those thousands of unfortunate Pakistanis, or expulsion of Tibetans from their land, or the slow agony of Russia, or many other disasters ... Do not bother anyone ... Of course we had to comment that there is to see the world and that, but we are so enveloped in the soft campers idiocy of our everyday bullshit. So it should be.

We are at war. We are always at war. And our friend Solana delegate or Clinton or Milosevic, to decide to push buttons and kill us. For that they are. We kill people and have armies and manufacture weapons and pay whatever it takes to make it happen.

We also die a little each day and no big deal. And try to smoke enough to have our cancercito. And eat bad enough. And drink the alcohol it necessary to punish our bodies. And try to commit suicide a few each weekend on the road. Live and unplugged at this event enough gray mediocrity anesthetized immunized agilipollados, asleep, dead, more dead than leave on the screen. And no big deal. In fact, when we are leaning to the newscast, while quiet dinner, we are a bunch of dead witnessing a slow and mutual execution ... No big deal.

is simple. It's that simple. Anyone who wants to justify something to explain to his vanity mirror. This is true. This is so, and is well inside. We live in spite of ourselves. As Morente says "we live by a miracle." We do not know what moves us to do what we do, since the invention of the bargain of the unconscious, we have permission to impunity. We have permission to not know anything about us. We lost contact with our essence and all alternative therapies magazines talk about it. So relajémonos, meditate, saquemos nuestro artista interior y expresémonos, investiguemos la biorregulación espiritual y las vidas pasadas y las músicas chamánicas, lo que se tercie... Así conseguiremos una bonita mirada al horizonte y no nos engancharemos con nada, nuestro ego reposará confortablemente en un lecho de místico desapego. Y seremos, como vaticinaba el maestro Gurdjieff, unos perfectos e inodoros sepulcros blanqueados.

Mientras tanto hacemos lo que podemos. Sólo somos asesinos, no? pues ya!


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