Thursday, January 27, 2011

Antique Projector Slides

Arrevoir! Titanic

El miedo, la cobardía y la indiferencia siempre se pueden negar. Sí, porque no dejan testimonio.
Si ésta es la nueva ética global, ya podemos irnos despidiendo como especie. Adoptar el suicidio inconsciente como nueva forma de vida nos llevará a la muerte; luego a no quejarse.
Por cierto, he notado que todos los optimistas tienen sus necesidades básicas resueltas. Así es fácil ser optimista. Yo valoro those not having them remain optimistic. That is. That people do that you can preach.
Then I noticed that the gap between people is growing. Now dominated by two species: human beings life, and robots by mutation. The basic difference between them is that human beings act without calculation, and the mutation-robots have the ideology they have, it does not matter, acting solely for convenience. Full stop.
And this truism neosecular I leave this blog. I opened another experimental cutting of hyperspace somewhere, and more I hang up the link below or send a mailing for you can find. The same is super-positive, ideal for antisuicidal and farmers of the third option.


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