Monday, November 22, 2010

How Do You Know When A Plantar Wart Is Dying

Some argue, perhaps rightly, that many African migrants, with all the effort that entails, just because someone has ensured that in the first world can have it all. Ie: car, home and cultural artifacts required to be included in the deal. At the same time, the West is responsible for the successful diffusion of aberrations that are committed in the black continent, endemic poverty, the violation of human rights, trafficking of children, inter-tribal wars, lack of infrastructure health, black magic, and say nothing of hunger. Is what we think of Africa, and even if true, the sad thing is that we get little or nothing beyond that. It seems that is what we believe Africa. I have often thought if you we believe is not what partly makes Africa what it is. Pongo
the continent as a paradigm. I put it to highlight the complex nature of the dictatorship of perception, a topic that I plan to write only to shake the uncomfortable burden of the back of another kind of perception. As Rosa Montero said at the time: continue to arrive, because they can not put up barriers to dreams though, of course, she's Rosa Montero and I am RAB, and although I have to say no more than a personal opinion about his accurate statement to me several questions emerge: Who created and where from the dreams that make them get here? And especially, why? Are those dreams of the famous human right to improve and develop, or is it a cultural construct tending to run the control from its base?
Certainly there are many alternatives to the outsider. One is, having already left the initial lethargy, crashing the gears and learn from near the route. Someone with good intentions seek to work for insertion while someone more cynical, and no less instructive, it shows that it is not crashing but to be the fuel to reach those parts moving. To be his blood, his beer. The advantage of the foreign-provided you have the wit to do it "on the native is that having lived in more than one context is that you can" compare ", which is always reductive, but contrast. And of course, that when the contrast the issue becomes tricky because we risk falling back into the reduction: hence social programs targeted to specific groups, cosificatorias statistics, the jobs created to manage the shortcomings of so-called "marginal groups" and a host of social categories and parts of the gear that support the system and give the appearance of a sophisticated infrastructure seamlessly.
To avoid falling into the reduction should take into account not only the foreign faces a different culture, but also the limitations of their own biology and psyche to the possible hardships that may arise. Laws, health, food, flavors, schedules, work routine, division of labor, when in their home country someone is able to develop four jobs at once is possible that in the receiving country has four-officiants for each task, language, relationships ... everything appears different to outsiders. Even the air smells different, because everything is different and their biorhythms have not adapted. The time it takes to adapt also depends on many factors which of course never fit into the statistics.
But there is one common factor, beyond the differences, foreign and indigenous causes are identified, and that my lack of tools to define it differently, I define as slumber. Without soporización no adaptation, and no adjustment without pleasure-albeit fictional-for consent to a set of values \u200b\u200bto be essentially new and attractive, the outsider will accept with pleasure (if anything out of curiosity). Rosa Montero's where he hits the mark when he talks about dreams . The slumber is so tame under penalty of exclusion, while rewarding the naive simulation of a future of prosperity. What the outsider does not know is that the function of torpor is ending its autonomy and that the best way to do this will make you think that really is independent. Come on, costing an alleged independence in which, of course, the dominant trend is pure and only the construction of a reality where the world look at your hand. Reality capable of tempt. A really able to transcend the visual boundary of the reachable objects to reach the soul of the objects themselves, leaving they reach to the point of becoming another object. An object also achievable, manipulable, replaceable and capable of being tagged and labeled under a bar code or an ID card.
And I'm short, but long. Will not find words to describe such a compromise, which goes far beyond the objectification and its consequences. Will the plot is great and the objects really have reached a spirit capable of describing the world and remake it in the perception of both foreigners and natives, and once in the lethargy, is more than difficult to return to a perception transparent, independent and free of ideology. Otherwise, the deceased will be in a position of helplessness in front of their peers, provided they are willing to take that commitment, "confirming both the massive success of the procedure and its legality. From that position it, the deceased, native or foreign-realize that their rights have been extinguished, rather, that these rights have never been right, but only obligations. And this, again, under a cloak of absolute, unquestionable law.
For example will suffice: in a country where there is already a 20% unemployment (of those noted in the INEM, not to mention the "simpapeles" and those who have lost all hope and will not seal, or never sealed) from one day to another are taken out of sleeve an entity managed by the Community where two young ladies who spend the morning at Facebook teach you how to get a job and, for example, build a resume. It appears that the entity is new, and like that, so. Autoprocrea the system and manages its own deficiencies making them ghost jobs paid for with public money. The release of the girls is cute, no gray, cold-offices and their intention is definitely good, I've been there. The office is in a renovated by the city, a neighbor told me that was passed Extremadura three months ago to manage their case and still unemployed.
I've been 12 years in this country, he has spent his entire life. Is a native . Until recently lived with his wife and two children in an apartment mortgages: now lives with his father and must continue to pay the floor that has robbed the bank. You will not need to describe their look.
The dream of locals and outsiders still falling. And if one part is good to fall, waking from a doze always constructive, "and the other not so much as it reveals too huge a mount to be fought by force of morals. Before the law ever existing in the "save himself", the moral arise when no one wants or does not know how to act, since it is difficult to do after losing autonomy and beyond the script provided by the culture that determines what we perceive and how. That determines how far reaching the deceased and distorts the potential consequences of an action that, beyond the system that rije, would endanger its own system. The border of empathy with others then come to the certainty (if it is) one's own salvation ( I, Luckily, I saved ), a salvation that is nevertheless always mean, and that will leave a strange feeling of inconsistency vital, living in the dispassion, the course in disgust and helplessness. We no longer speak of selfishness, but of fear. Fear of losing the plot ever closer to forsake him. Fear if you compensate. Fear that tell family, friends, coworkers, bank, insurance ... Fear . Fear of losing that security without evidence serving as fuel to the gear, Grand Gear, whose livelihood is the adrenaline that causes the vision of thousands dead to ten thousand miles from his room.
Across the border in the area - roughly - one million dead, the function of torpor will be to eliminate any possibility of autonomy. Come on, costing the deceased an alleged stagnation in which the dominant trend is pure and only the construction of a reality where the world will never be at your fingertips. A reality unable to transcend the boundary of the trauma, leaving it to be achieved by altering the perceived point. Without soporización no adaptation, and it is clear that the Great Gear has also expected to adapt to pain. If the procedure is repeated and again for generations, the deceased will have lost the memory of how it was pleasure.
He is expected to be an achievable goal, manipulable, replaceable and capable of being tagged and labeled as black, yellow or brown and candidate for exclusion. Having been trained to sorrow, hate, kill or crawl, the deceased third class without a word invokes the "law of the jungle." The border of empathy with others will as far as possible within their perception sacked by the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing an island in the world, and that will leave you feeling a strange inconsistency vital, living in the dispassion, the course in disgust and helplessness. And here we speak of fear in its purest form. Fear of losing the plot ever closer to forsake him. Fear of instability today for tomorrow. Fear of being robbed. Fear of being kidnapped. Fear that he explodes a grenade. Fear of being hungry. Fear of being hungry again. And if one of those chances were saved, fear of losing the saved, and fear of the transient "suspect" circumscribed to the ghetto of undesirable to put street cruzársele by loa ;-threatening luckily I'm saved honest and hard working taxpayer. Fear consider that there is something beyond the boundary imposed by the Gear, Grand Gear whose livelihood is the adrenaline that causes the vision of a secure family seems only a 4x4 traveling ten thousand miles from his room.

Sufi Legend has it that someone came one day the great philosopher Saadi and said "I wish
perception, so I'll wise.
Y Saadi said: "The perception
without wisdom is worse than none at all.
then asked
- How can this be?
Y Saadi said
-As in the case of the vulture and the kite. The buzzard told the kite: "I have more range of view than you, because I can see a grain of wheat in the ground, while you can not see anything at all." The two birds swooped to find the grain of wheat, the vulture and the hawk could see no. When they were very close to the ground, the kite was the grain of wheat. The vulture continued to decrease and swallowed the grain. And then he died porque el trigo… estaba envenenado.

De La sabiduría de los idiotas (Cuentos de la tradición sufí). Idries Shah.


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