Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How Do You Do Your Hair Like Dahvie Vanity?

For Zu-Zan, who has asked ...

So if you are so frightened by the mind-expanding drugs, obviously is the expansion of the mind what they fear.
David Steindl-Rast

About the plant teachers. Also called entheogens, that is what they are. Also called power plants. Bad calls by many people, "magical seedlings, hallucinogens, tripis, viajatiempos. Medicinal herbs of the Amazon. Visionary plants, little mushroom, brothers, father, grandmothers, grandfathers and a lot of epithets ... There is much confusion about it. Gives me no support grime that taking entheogens, on occasion some friend has come to me with concern. Some have had the courage (the other side of screen) to warn me to stop taking both hallucinogenic :) I also lost a player in one of my blogs, and have even send me some another e-mail asking what he was thinking at the time of disseminating such information. As we know, not the servant behind any organization that she supports "only", or journal, or title which supports it, or "name", "big name" or moniker-perhaps letterhead- you can guarantee that nothing of what is experienced with these plants are more than hallucinations. There are thousands of people in my situation. Return the times of old ground.
Most striking in the world of what I do not know whether to call "spiritual" - call it, for "research world of the etheric" (the name is downright wrong, but for now we will call you so) is that so many people willing to censor this type of experience, on the pretext that if one wants to reach an altered state of consciousness is always better to get in a conscious state. I do not deny it. But I say that is not the only way. The I deny is that you always have to be, that is, denying the legitimacy of other methods to achieve EMC. And what surprises me is that this claim is overlooked one of the fundamental conditions of the famous development of conscience: respect for the freedom of others.
is a complex issue. People have tried both experiences, and therefore has authority to speak. There is another who prefers to believe that it is dangerous addictive drugs, and there is nothing and no one in this world, not serious or less serious information, Throw them that prejudice. As I have noted, the deconcentration what about entheogens and their applications is enormous. But not so much ignorance and prejudice, based on the territory of the fertile seed that thrives prohibitionist system. Saying that he wants us rationalists, skeptics say, is "realistic" - sobreadaptados bipolar and has become a crutch. A tag system that applauds enchanted software package works. Imagine what would live outside of the software package. For the term
entheogen (Greek entheos = possessed by a god and genos = birth) doubts are justified provided it is unknown where and how to fit these plants. Certainly it is a neologism coined in recent times, and unresponsive to a whim but years of research and experimentation. Their biochemistry course produces a hallucinogenic effect, that's not going to deny. However, if the term hallucinogen stays low, hence you have thought of a name that includes not only this aspect but also the historical and anthropological. And this is basically because taking these plants includes a ritual, which does not happen with other substances. We speak of rituals too old to be put into question by smart people. No one has the entheogen recreational purpose as had the LSD in the 60, since the aim of psychonaut is not the pursuit of pleasure but the search itself. While the drug is intended to escape, is entheogen just the opposite. This marks a very great ideological differences between individuals and others. Therefore, consideration should also this. You can not measure the distance between, say, the Sun and Alpha Centauri with a pacemaker would be as absurd as trying to shower in a thimble.
The main reluctance of those who say it is better to reach a conscious state EMC (this expression is also incorrect: the entheogen you never lose consciousness, actually talking about a process induced) is the idea of \u200b\u200brisk involved in the ingestion of a foreign substance. Another argument is that the mind can achieve that status for themselves through other means in which case the process will be as slow as cash. It is a truth as the crown of a pine. So is there whom the very idea of \u200b\u200b"losing control" will make them among the panic. And by golly, that if I would recommend a entheogen I would recommend it to just that kind of people. Then after discovering that you end up if necessary have the courage to trust a "something more" you're not yourself. If you happened to me, why should not it happen to you?
It is at this point where "the research world of the etheric" ceases to be ethereal and becomes truly real . From my modest but intense experience with entheogens, I realized that what we call reality is only part of a much larger, because regardless of discovery, and beyond the trip-that is, the simple tourist trip by simultaneous land- only drawn back a veil and not to the numinous, but the possibility of the numinous. That the sapiens is faced with a challenge like that is saying something. It is, or could be, of a cognitive change in which the collapses sapiens. And collapses into a pre-verbal stage, ie there is nothing you can "grab" in such a context, no ideology, no canon. There your software will not help you much, your hardware I guess so. How can addictive substance and format able to disable that to which you hold more to say you're sapiens?
Hence, I think, that can lead entheogen many advantages and disadvantages, as not everyone is prepared to deal with this beyond sapiens sapiens is the , and some will believe just because they are, at the first opportunity be saddled with the label of guru seller of potions. The fact that the real of entheogenic effect does not manifest itself until after the intoxication, and even drag on for months and even years ago that this substance is a treat for care. Above all, especially that in the absence of more widespread on the subject, the confidence it inspires, the ghettoization of the groups entheogenic and "down" to a frame of consciousness which has only the tangible and exchangeable, the traveler could be helpless before his own experience, and that world tangible and exchangeable that before making seemed outdated, then it could be doubly limiting. Entheogenic lobby
About me I already mentioned on other occasions while. I'm talking about people with a fairly clear profile: Most are self-financing, has traveled to the jungles and stayed there for months or years to make contact with plants and their donors. Must admit that living in the Amazon for a long time require any prior recourse to the flow, or that the initiate is ready to do some work exchange with the host community. Then come back and ride a space-can be your own home, usually a house-calls for organizing ceremonies, or give lectures and workshops. In defnitiva, we speak of people with the skills, capital and support to create an infrastructure much like any other company. Some will tell you who know nothing about that, "and you may not," and other ones do so, though they deny. Then there are people really great one that does not hard for a ceremony, but are less, and are people claiming they do in good faith. And there, of course, those who take between friends, without any external involvement, the environment is generally elitist. The system promotes it well. This one has an interest in drugs and entheogens come all in the same bag, something that serves the poor dissemination and prejudice.
As for the honesty of these lobbyists, the truth is that you see in the results. Although perhaps more honesty than we should talk about responsibility to keep track of cases that I've seen so rarely done. With
This would come to the subject of the myth of entheogen ayahuasca and its dissemination in the deciduous-other, outdated and increasingly outdated-Western world that affects us all. The diffusion exists, in effect, and has been noting for some time that the plant has a dual-level perspective "media": on the one hand the demonized as a dangerous drug, and this would need to define what is meant by drug, but we let another day-and the other is identified with a more extended fashion cool of Appreciation progress. This in roughly which we know not what it is, but if necessary to fit the case without knowing exactly what we mean, as fit as best he can and says, among other things, that ayahuasca is a hallucinogen with Majari you can stay for life, or you save it for eternity.
None of this is true, because neither is a hallucinogen ayahuasca and will save your life. That will format your software, why not have a doubt. And the change you forever, is more than possible. It is a gratuitous assertion: no one I know after taking ayahuasca or any other entheogen has again be the same as before. Nor did anyone know that after taking it has not suffered in some way, an exacerbation of their sensitivity and intellectual acumen (as long as I had before and, of course). Then if you know some narcissistic previously, they were twice afterwards. The entheogen seems to be exacerbated rather than a giver of gifts actually gives you nothing you have not already, only allows you to discover. What will you do to deserve this after taking the last part of this post.
But maybe I should say: what you will do. This is where to play the third dimension Earth, our necessary and unavoidable Gorgon, his strong will to adhere without any danger of falling or thrown into the air, while turns and turns at breakneck speed. To us humans, the animal most skilful, the only one believed to possess the right length and width of all their money.
entheogen has no place with the great infrastructure sapiens-master of the Earth, because the need sapiens bring order "to roost" and that order appears not to contain freedom. Entheogen has not place for a system bent on living the reality limiting sapiens. Entheogen has no place because it awakens, opens, catalyzes, and development moves beyond imagination. Entheogen has no place because desdroga to shake those drugged and dying. Entheogen has no place because it will give strength and desire to carry out projects sapiens for social, intellectual and spiritual might not fit within the plot that has been awarded. Entheogen has no place because the pharmaceutical corporations lose customers. Entheogen has no place for it to be, in itself, a quasi-terrorist initiative to what we call civilization.
I have made this journey alone, but still considers that it has been a positive experience and transforming, I do not recommend doing so. Also do not recommend the entheogens, I think they arrive as long as they need to go. There is a way for everyone, but is a journey, and as such deserves respect and consistency when it comes to opinions without knowledge.

Photo / post: babababa Barin Painting Workshop. Shipibo-konibo culture.


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