Monday, April 27, 2009

Swelling After Cervical Polyp Removal



HISTORY OF CERAMIC What could be more natural than taking a lump of clay from the riverbed and make a figurine? Thus began the creation of clay objects, from ancient times. Until the cities were not sedentary did not begin to make bowls and utensils. Only with the discovery that the heat the clay material changes to a firmware begins the history of ceramics. It is thought that this event occurred when the first cities went from being nomadic to sedentary. To give a date could talk ceramics ready-made lathes, that put us in Mesopotamia about 4000 BC but the earliest vessels date from the Mesolithic, around 6000 BC The first pottery known appears in Anatolia, in Asia Minor, to the 6000AC. If the first vessels are centered in Mesopotamia and Egypt, Greece, Crete, the first civilization in Europe, where the pottery attained great splendor. The pottery was superior to that of Mesopotamia and Egypt, the vessels were decorated with beautiful drawings and made a variety of ways. The painted decoration of Cretan ceramics dating from 1550 BC various colors were used, their beauty was unique. The painted decoration took the form d natural elements such as fish, trees, animals and plants. There was even disposable containers that were produced quickly and cheaply by potters. When the Cretan civilization declined artistic influence moved to the Hellenistic empire (300 BC) and Etruscan (600 BC) In Greece, Corinth and Athens were special facilities for the manufacture of ceramics. But pottery was considered an art in this civilization below, the metal was the main source of wealth. The ovens were prepared for a slight oxidation process that improved the product. Figures red and black figures were decorative items, with a profusion of human figures. The Romans assimilated the technique but its production was worse aesthetically more practical dimensions. In Europe the extension of the Byzantine Empire (In 330 AD Emperor Constantine proclaimed as the capital of the old Roman empire the Greek city of Byzantium) pottery was not so appreciated. The red gloss pottery the ancient Romans continued doing. Christian symbols appear. In Spain, the Iberians were made in 218 BC who became the first vessel to oxidation of iron and manganese. Disappeared with the Roman invasion but many technological improvements with the Muslim invasion technique greatly enriched and improved. Drawings in blue and white of the vessels were of great value and it was the Kufic script used as decoration. Much later the Renaissance and Baroque ceramics have the qualities of these styles, being the finest manufactures in Germany and Italy with real pictures painted on them. In the early XVIIII began in Europe in the manufacture of porcelain, which is to take a glass to the clay substance. Shortly afterwards invented the ceramic luster and mocha in England, although some authors argue that the authorship must give to the Arab people. The Arab people also take his heyday decorating buildings with tile ceramic, although in ancient Mesopotamia and the palaces of Assurbanipal Gerges and were decorated with tiles, some authors would have to find their origins in the old Chaldean. But it was not until the English Arts and Crafts movement (1910) that the tile produced by Morris and Co would be a work of art in itself and not simply more or less elaborate ornamentation to enhance the beauty of a set. The Ceramic Art and Coffee is priced through the roof, it's appreciated even the china. Of China would have to say that pottery is the most appreciated of the Tang Dynasty (618-906 AD) are world famous but the vases of the Ching Dynasty (1700 DC). Most of the pottery was glazed and had a very developed. In Spain the Talavera factory was very important and there arose exquisite pieces. The factory in Aranda, who pushed the Rococo style was also very important. A history has been the factory of Buen Retiro Carlos III for their quality work. But in Spain the pottery was considered a minor art paint having priority over everything. In the U.S. industrial ceramics begins around 1800 and around 1900 began artistic ceramics. USA highlights its Japanese influence and pop art to the 1950 with very commercial pieces.


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