Locaalizacion buildings and staking.
stake in the engineer must provide labor, equipment, etc., Necessary to remove trees, buildings or remove any obstacles and the limits of the construction site or dispose of them. It is understood to be inspected the location and arrangement of the works and its surroundings, and has secured before submitting its proposal, with the value offered completely covers all the subject of this preliminary work item. Also, you must protect from harm trees, shrubs or decorative plants that are within the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction operations and not interfere with the development of it to be preserved and used later as a port of the landscape. It should remove all existing vegetation cover in the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction and paving. Not allow you to use this material as cutting relleno.El topsoil will be as specified in the plans, budget and preparation of the site profiles, in the absence of such information shall as shown in the Supervision of the work, which will establish the magnitude and extent of soil according to studies performed. The engineer is required to request an inspection and written approval of the layout before proceeding to make excavations. The location and layout of the building is run by the procedure that ensures the highest possible accuracy (transits, stakes, etc.).. In the Charrancha quality materials are used such as to ensure the rigidity of the same and remain appropriate topographic levels. The cut-lines are marked by precise and permanent preferences outside the excavation of materials produced of them and the area trabajo.Previo to any job, should be determined location reference points of each and every one of the structures. Once all the necessary earthworks, will proceed to the location of the building and other structures required in the pianos. Once located you must have the written approval of the Supervision of the work to proceed with subsequent work. Omitting this approval will be at the risk of the Contractor, who will be required to correct any failure of the location to be determined. Http://jose
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