Thursday, February 26, 2009

Senior Beach Week Dewey

drawings are drawings that represent the views of an object from different positions. We floorplans (viewed from above), elevation drawings (esp) or face (arg) (viewed from front), profile planes (esp) or views (arg) (side), it is actually like having a bucket, desplegáramos and all that is on that side is represented in a plane. We have plans details (they are on a larger scale to better appreciate the details), section planes (esp or Court (arg) (this is how we would face if we give a cut imaginary) we also have Building location maps (esp) implementation (arg) (simply a street where anger shows where the work)

in a plane all the measures are proportional, ie if house to be built has two walls and is twice larger than the other, the plane will be a twice as long as the other. If they are both equal measured at the same.

We can say that all elements will maintain a ratio between them, and this proportion will have a real home. This ratio between the drawing and the reality we call scale.
planes often use force rethinking of 1:50 or 1:100 scale. 1:50
we pronounced "one in fifty" and means that every measure of the level is 50 times smaller than reality.
1:100 (one hundred) means that everything is 100 times smaller, as measured at the 1 cm (centimeter) in reality measures 1m (meter)
Many people do not feel comfortable dealing with numbers them hard to understand the meaning of the scale, but play a scale does not necessarily translated into metric units to understand, is simpler: if a plan indicates that its 1:50 scale is placed over it, for example, a shoe, and distance as the shoe cover on the plane means that to cover that distance in reality need enfilar 50 shoes as used.

What Causes Black People To Have Yellow Eyes?


About us
National Professional Council of Engineering COPNI
is the public body whose main function is to inspect and monitor engineering practice, its allied professions and their professional assistants in the country, the wording of the provisions of Act 842 of 2003.

Wedding Thank You Wording To Parents

VISION We are a guild sector leader, participatory and pluralistic that contributes significantly to the consolidation of construction activity in a globalized environment. MISSION

represent the interests and promote development and social and environmental responsibility of enterprises, institutions and individuals involved in the value chain of construction of buildings and infrastructure urban Colombia, through a focused management knowledge. / p>
VALUES in all their activities, our organization maintains standards of behavior based on our institutional values: Responsibility

Objectivity Independence
Solidarity Respect


Monday, February 23, 2009

Miralax How Does Taste Liquid

Design of Concrete Mixtures

First the cement material binder cementite constituent of the matrix is \u200b\u200bmanufactured in accordance with the following video:


Friday, February 20, 2009

What Does The Hymen Feel Like


urban housing problem is not an issue that can be summarized in a meta quantitative they also lower strata people deserve a minimum living conditions, which guarantee them a decent life. Therefore, it is necessary awareness of the plight in which he lives today a high percentage of the population of this country , to guide the process of searching for new alternatives that provide solutions to this problem.

Currently the majority of the poor population can not
access to credit, given the realities of work and income.
not currently favor a direct relationship between housing supply and the ability to purchase
. Considering these aspects is where this research takes
importance in the sense that through an analysis of existing schemes
or financial models, they can make changes to
these with you, make it accessible to people of lower strata
and can also identify the economic profile of the prospective buyer to
VIS. This would be very beneficial both for the people without housing,
to construction companies and financial institutions operating in this field

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location and layout location and rethinking

Location, Layout and Staking . For horizontal and vertical location of the project, the Contractor shall agree with the Auditor to determine a baseline duly surveyed with boundaries marked and bounded with references (a readily determinable points or objects) and distant well protected at all times as a basis for make the necessary staking and grading.
The aiming and leveling of the work will be executed by the Contractor, and experienced personnel using precision equipment.
Before starting work, the Contractor shall submit for approval by the auditor general location of the project and their levels, bearing in mind that it is only necessary to authorize the initiation of the works.
measurement and payment. Except for the demolition cost of camp and other activities specified in this paragraph shall factor overhead percentage allowed by the entity as indirect costs in the contract and the Contractor shall take into account when quoting prices.
For special cases in the relevant specification sheet must show the measurement and payment. REMOVING AND CLEANING

1.2 includes preliminary work aimed at preparing the ground for site preparation and adequacy of the area delineated on the plans or directed by the Controller. Involves cleaning and clearing the area of \u200b\u200btrees, shrubs, (if necessary, seek permission to the competent authorities) and all foreign materials that hinder the work later, taking you to sites approved by the Inspection, and taking appropriate security measures to protect the surrounding areas.
materials resulting from past activities that can be used for other purposes, will be owned by the entity and can not be removed without written permission from the Comptroller.
measurement and payment. The unit of measurement is square meter (m2), measured on the horizontal projection of the demarcated area and the price includes all direct and indirect costs of the Contractor, necessary to deliver the work to the satisfaction of the Interventoría. 1.3
1.3.1 Description. This work includes: the implementation of all earthworks required for the proper placement of areas for construction, excavation of loans where required, disposal of unsuitable material found in the areas on which will build, disposal of excavated materials and the formation and compaction of the areas of works.
These jobs will run in accordance with the details shown on the drawings or the Controller, using the proper equipment to do so.
not be measured or paid work performed for the convenience of the contractor and the costs caused by the readjustment of the land, as directed by the Auditor will be covered by it.
1.3.2 Classification. For payment purposes, the excavated materials are classified as follows:
convertible and Desenraice. Consists of the removal of roots and soil containing organic matter, clays or other material that the auditor considers inappropriate for the construction of the work. The resulting materials will be removed from the site of the work by the Contractor.
stripping will not be paid executed outside the limits specified in the plans or ordered by the Auditor.
measurement and payment. The amount of the work for this item will be measured by cubic meters (m3).
The volume is calculated according to sections of the site taken before and after stripping. The price includes all direct and indirect costs necessary for the execution of work and the removal of the resulting materials.
Rock Court. Rock is defined as that material whose hardness and texture is such that different methods can be excavated by blasting or manual labor through fractures and posterior wedges and whose volume is greater than 3 / 4 cubic meters.
Cuts Common Material includes all excavation not classified as rock excavation. Removal
Landslides. Includes removal and disposal of materials from landslides or mudslides on the slopes and grading completed or in progress. These slides should be removed as they are submitted to avoid damages.
If during the execution of the cuts, they are presented slides on the slopes and those were not attributable to carelessness, negligence or carelessness of the Contractor, he recalls, and the cost will be recognized in accordance with the volume removed.
The ditches and drains will be restored soon be removed to collapse.
If these were due to negligence or carelessness of the Contractor or faulty operations will be removed by the Contractor at cost. If such landslides nevertheless have damage to the works, staff or others, the compensation paid by the Contractor. Measurement and Payment
Landslides in Explanations. The unit of measurement is the cubic meter (m3), will be paid as agreed in the work of the contract between the supervisor and the contractor.
1.3.3 Implementation of Grading. General. The work was executed in accordance with the details shown on the plans or in accordance with the amendments that the state auditor for cases not covered. The commencement of the work require authorization by the Controller.
The sequence of operations and methods used in construction, be such as to permit the efficient use of materials excavated for the construction of embankments or excavations filled. Volumes of the cuts, to be used for the construction of embankments will be removed, topsoil, rubbish and other objectionable material.
Material from cuts will be owned by the Entity and the Contractor may not dispose of it without written permission from the Interventoría. Protection of Works, Services and Properties. The earthworks will be implemented so as not to cause damage or injury to existing works in the areas adjacent to the new construction. The Contractor at his expense construct temporary drainage ditches and use appropriate methods to protect structures and adjacent tracks and adjacent to the building.
The cuts will remain in a position such that the excavated areas remain well drained at all times, diverting its output ditches to prevent erosion. Disposition of Excavated Materials. Resulting Suitable materials will be used for the construction of embankments and fills in other works. If the Contractor rejects or withdraws appropriate and necessary materials to carry out earthworks or full, without permission of the Controller, will be required to provide their own an equivalent amount of quality material suitable for such works.
When excess material from the excavations should, according to the auditor, retiring to a place outside of work areas and adjacent to the works, the Contractor shall withdraw assuming full responsibility for the material dumped at the place determined by him . The amount of material for disposal will be determined by the Auditor.
If in the opinion of the Comptroller, the excess material from the excavations can be placed in work areas adjacent to works, the Contractor shall water it according to your instructions and so formed will not be washed away or clogged drains; damages caused by incorrect or improper placement of the material, be borne by the Contractor.
The surface after watering the material, present a smooth surface without distortions caused by piles or piles of material. The cost of the waterlogged material should be included in the price of the excavations.
1.3.4 Measurement and Payment of Cortes. The unit of measurement for the cuts is the cubic meter (m3), measured in its original position in accordance with the plans and specifications. The volumes are calculated by the average method of areas, except the loose rocks larger volume of 3 / 4 of a cubic meter to be measured at the site its dimensions. The above stated amounts of work will be paid to unit price per cubic meter agreed in the contract for the respective pay items according to the classification of excavated material. Such payments shall constitute full compensation for all direct and indirect costs necessary to execute the work as specified, including transport within the work. 1.4
Description. This work involves the construction of embankments and fills machine compacted under the grading levels indicated on the plans or defined with the Auditor.
1.4.1 Materials. Materials for embankments or fills shall not contain clays, organic matter, litter, roots, logs or other objectionable material and shall come from the excavations, always requiring the approval of the Comptroller to be used except in cases where an order or authorize the use of materials on loan. 1.4.2 Formation of Embankments
. Before starting the construction of embankments will run the cleaning, clearing and stripping of areas to doze. If necessary, and the concept of the Comptroller, the inappropriate material will be removed for the foundation of the embankment. In preparation wetlands include drainage area whenever needed.
Materials for the formation of the embankment will be placed in horizontal layers with a thickness not exceeding 15 cm before compaction. Swamp and filled under water, rock or granular material used or the type used for flood affirmed on urban roads.
In areas adjacent to drains, walls, foundations or similar where it is not possible or desirable to use heavy equipment, compaction will be done with equipment manuals, approved by the Auditor. After the day
work surface should be compacted embankment and slopes slightly to facilitate drainage.
Each layer of embankment shall be compacted until it becomes uniformly dry density not less than 95% of maximum dry density for laying moisture, according to the test ICONTEC 1667 or 1528 or alternatively ASTM 698-78 (Standard Proctor). The humidity of the material during compaction shall not be less than optimum moisture calculated in accordance with the above-mentioned test, or more than the ceiling specified by the Controller.
In the case of thickness greater than 0.50 m or criterion of Inspection, field tests ordered by the method ICONTEC 1667 or 1528 or alternatively ASTM 1556-64, ASTM 2167-66, ASTM 2937-71 to determine the degree of compaction achieved. The Contractor shall recompact embankment layers not meet the requirements specified density, also make good layers suffer erosion, harrowing and recompaction the material in the manner specified.
When the filling is placed over an existing floor, it must be scarified enough to get a good bond between the floor and filling.
1.4.3 Measurement and Payment of embankments. Be paid per cubic meter (m3) compacted, is calculated by the average method of areas. The areas for action are contained within the theoretical lines designed to end the embankment and the foundation dimensions approved by the Auditor.
The unit price will cover all direct costs and indirect labor required to run as specified and to the preservation of the embankments built to final delivery, in addition to the tests required for compaction control. Order
When embankments are constructed Auditor loan material, excavated, loaded and transported in dump trucks and not from cuts and excavations of the area or area of \u200b\u200bwork these embankments will be formed, measured and paid in accordance with standard of paragraph 2.11. 1.4.4
compacted fill with equipment manuals. The work covered by this ordinal includes the activities necessary for the implementation of fillings compacted by manual methods on sites by their nature do not allow the compaction with mechanical equipment.
For its implementation will observe the rules set out in paragraphs 2.09, 2.10, 2.11.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Belanova Commerical Song

Locaalizacion buildings and staking.

stake in the engineer must provide labor, equipment, etc., Necessary to remove trees, buildings or remove any obstacles and the limits of the construction site or dispose of them. It is understood to be inspected the location and arrangement of the works and its surroundings, and has secured before submitting its proposal, with the value offered completely covers all the subject of this preliminary work item. Also, you must protect from harm trees, shrubs or decorative plants that are within the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction operations and not interfere with the development of it to be preserved and used later as a port of the landscape. It should remove all existing vegetation cover in the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction and paving. Not allow you to use this material as cutting relleno.El topsoil will be as specified in the plans, budget and preparation of the site profiles, in the absence of such information shall as shown in the Supervision of the work, which will establish the magnitude and extent of soil according to studies performed. The engineer is required to request an inspection and written approval of the layout before proceeding to make excavations. The location and layout of the building is run by the procedure that ensures the highest possible accuracy (transits, stakes, etc.).. In the Charrancha quality materials are used such as to ensure the rigidity of the same and remain appropriate topographic levels. The cut-lines are marked by precise and permanent preferences outside the excavation of materials produced of them and the area trabajo.Previo to any job, should be determined location reference points of each and every one of the structures. Once all the necessary earthworks, will proceed to the location of the building and other structures required in the pianos. Once located you must have the written approval of the Supervision of the work to proceed with subsequent work. Omitting this approval will be at the risk of the Contractor, who will be required to correct any failure of the location to be determined. Http://jose

Friday, February 6, 2009

Market Sphere Unclaimed Property Scam?

Our new blog Construction Materials we attempt to analyze the different substances and how the manufacturing of ceramics, tiles, bricks and so whereas there is more information about them online.