Saturday, December 12, 2009

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Salon and Congress

products company Eco-Ceramics are suitable for the application of building systems ventilated facade. One way to continue sustainable construction which uses the most modern methods of construction materials manufacturing.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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Earth Bahareque, Guadua Bambu

, Earth materials are less polluting, earth constructions preserve the constructive value of traditional techniques, as seen in the following:

Techniques traditional materials - Working Municipality of Aguadas

Primer Traditional Materials Municipality of Aguadas

Techniques construction land, described in the following article:


SENA in 2002 conducted a study of Bahareque :

Bahareque 2002 SENA

The detailed construction of the walls in earth building structures, can be detailed in the following format: Mixed

earth building

houses in Barichara Bahareque Santander, engage with social

Friday, December 4, 2009

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Concrete Flooring-Tiles-and pathology-concrete pavers

and concrete mix design Concrete

The settlement is a test procedure according to ASTM C 143
should be performed:

The concrete cylinder facing significant pre-compression failure and should realuizarse ASTM 1231}

The compressive failure of concrete must be done according to ASTM C39

tiles precast concrete tiles are generally composed of two layers, layer or view footprint and back or vice versa. In the case of monolayers tiles or reverse back there, leaving only the layer formed by sight.
layer or trace view is composed of cement, marble, inorganic pigments and crushed marble, granite or hard stone, as follows:

Source: / 3-3-Characteristics-physical-y.227.0.html

The outer surface of this layer is called a face or fingerprint. Following the basic manufacturing process (Vibropress) can be applied surface finishing treatments such as grinding, washing, blasting, etc. to leave it the dry or get different textures its front face. The combination of different types of aggregates in the view layer, both in particle size (micro-grain, medium, coarse or pitching), and the color of the pigment aggregate and cement, can produce a wide variety of colors and tones.
With secondary treatment, will get different surface textures of the face side, providing more options for design and adaptation to the needs of the area to be paved, used for paving both interior surfaces (normal use, intensive and industrial) and outdoors. In indoor, three classes (normal, intensive and industrial) to select the right material for every need. In exterior use, their different breaking loads can also select the materials required in each area. Outdoor use

The paving of outdoor areas, requires the use of materials having the following characteristics:
High mechanical strength (tear, impact and wear).
High durability.
Low water absorption, resistant to frost.
non-slip surface.
Ease of replacement.
design possibilities. Indoor use

interior use requires, essentially, that the face side of the tile is polished. With indoor tiles, are obtained paved surfaces fully polished and buffed, achieving a great beauty.
Depending on the use of the area to be paved, these tiles are manufactured in different strength classes, normal, or heavy industrial, to improve their performance and durability. This floor has an easy maintenance, which is limited to a simple cleaning. After years of demanding service may be subjected to a grinding (grain refined 220) and polished surface, the face side to return to its original state.
An important requirement is the internal uses and non-reactive resistance to fire. The tiles have a strong performance at these two requirements. Also show good behavior slip (wheel) and slip (people).


Defines the maximum load at which rupture occurs, according to the bending test, direct reading is obtained by calculating the resistance module flexion.
T flexural modulus (MPa)
T = (3 x P x L) / (2 xbx t2)

determines abrasion resistance to abrasion by subjecting the exposed face of tiles to the action of a rotating metal disk 70 mm in width, in the presence of a material abrasive.
footprint is obtained which determines the wear rope material.

The equipment used is a sand blasting machine of Ottawa, which serves as an abrasive material.

water absorption by total absorption
: Determines the total capacity of water absorption of a tile is completely dry, once submerged in water until saturated.

face side determines the absorption, suction, face view of a tile, completely dry, partially introduced into water for 24 hours.

impact resistance determines the resistance to drop on the face side of the tiles of a steel ball of 1 kg mass from heights between 400 and 1000 mm, according to NTC rules aplicable.En 350mm. This test can assess the strength of this type of tile to the impact of anything that could fall on them.

The following video is evidence of the failure by impact, and how to calculate the impact energy to perform the test.

Making large terrace tiles can easily see the following video:



Making pavers can be seen in this video:

paving placement must Please note:

And finally a look at the pathology concrete elements :

specific pathology

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How To Do A Lohri Party


can be understood by "painting" as a product fluid, applied on a relatively thin surface layer is transformed over time into a solid film which adheres to the surface, so that coats, protects and decorate the item that has been applied.

pigments are powdered, insoluble by themselves in the liquid medium of painting, its functions are to provide color and hiding power, contribute to product
anticorrosive properties and give stability to different environmental conditions and chemical agents. Among the pigments used in paint manufacture various compounds are based on chromium and lead, zinc powder, titanium dioxide, barium sulfate, carbon black, aluminum powder and iron oxide
, as examples.

Within the formulation of the paintings are also called "loads", which meet the objective of extending the pigment and contribute to a fill effect. Among these materials are mineral substances such as barytes, chalk, kaolin, silica, mica, talc, etc., and synthetic origin such as chalk, kaolin treated and precipitated barium sulfate.

binders are generally organic substances whose main function is to provide protection, can be used in solid form, dissolved or dispersed in volatile organic solvents, in aqueous or emulsified in water. These substances include drying oils, natural resins and synthetic resins. Between drying oils, the most widely used is linseed oil.
natural resins are mostly of plant origin, except of shellac, now, its use has declined considerably due to the development of a large number of synthetic resins.
latter are typically used in combination with the aforementioned oils being more resistant to water and chemicals. Among the most widely used synthetic resins include alkyd resins, acrylic, phenolic, vinyl, epoxy, chlorinated rubber, polyurethane and silicone. Of these, the first is the most common.
solvents or vehicles are volatile liquid substances that give the paintings the fluid state necessary for its implementation, evaporating after application of the paint. The variety of solvents which occupies this industry is very broad but, nevertheless, its use has been declining in recent years because of environmental restrictions and cost, especially in the case of chlorinated solvents. Additives

under : These are substances in small doses added to fulfill specific functions that do not meet the main ingredients. Among the most used are drying materials, plasticizers and antisedimentables

types of paints most common are:

Special uses special paints paintings originate

An application of the paint manufacturing process is in the realization of Pain Bool

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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Real Estate and Construction and Landfill Containers

In Valladolid will be held several fairs as SIVALL. 2 nd EDITION OF REAL ESTATE EXHIBITION VALLADOLID. October 16,17,18 2009. At the Feria de Valladolid. The best real estate Valladolid meeting, whose slogan is: if you want to save ... "It was time to jump."
downloads from November 17 marks the Congress sustainable architecture in Web says: " La Junta de Castilla y Leon is convinced that social awareness about sustainable construction is key to improving quality of life of citizens and at the same time is an instrument of development assistance and socio-economic progress. "
be present many companies that already makes tiemo engaged in sustainable construction making an environmentally friendly way from ceramics and bricks to brick face. Already have a reason to go through the city where there will be deals Pisuerga for both individuals and businesses building sustainable improvement.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

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dumps and containers are a necessary function when starting constrcción of any premises or building. You have to know which builder is going to work or have one of the many branches of the construction company specialized construction materials and other materials in the provision of containers and landfill own to facilitate the task of debris removal in the construction of works in almost all cities in Spain but are based in Catalonia.

Monday, August 3, 2009

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Decorating a cocktail bar

We have been watching the work developed a new Bar de Copas River and ceramics have been used to wood and building materials according to the design of a legendary cocktail bar in Valladolid, La Candelaria night bar. This Calre the mixture of various elements of construction on the decoration of the boat-Bar gives a category that is worth a visit. Have been used for more than five containers and used it as landfill for this purpose.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

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Boat Building materials Barcelona

In Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthere are several companies specializing in the sale building materials that make specific products for various construction and arid, landfill, containers, construction machinery ... Taking aim at the sustainable construction and so not to damage the planet with making something that will eventually all be grateful.

Monday, July 13, 2009

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New Building Materials

Making new building materials have to think about environmental conservation always thinking in a sustainable building this outstanding nature. We must also have a waste disposal containers through and landfills repeat the environment and are easy to recycle.

Monday, June 22, 2009

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Different types of building materials and construction

On Wikipedia you can find different types of elements used as building materials. I put the link C3% ADa:% C3% B3n Materiales_de_construcci
is clear that more and more what types of material used to carry out a sustainable building that is respectful with environment.

Friday, June 19, 2009

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sustainable Ceramica Ceramic

pavers, stoneware, ceramic, brick face, is based on the cooking of sand mixed with water. This is done at high temperatures in its manufacture is to assess whether it is made to protect the environment or whether the reverse is not sustainable construction. The company manufacturing ceramic use this method sustainable construction for the manufacture of all types of building materials and using bio gas and are environmentally friendly.

Monday, May 18, 2009

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ceramic The word (derived from the Greek κεραμικός Keramikos , "substance burnt.") This is the definition can be found in Wikipedia on ceramic . Throughout the centuries, ceramic manufacturing suffered a major economic development as the ceramic the face brick, pavers , arid ... This has meant An evolution to better conditions for using this type of ceramics and construction materials adapting them to modern architecture.

Monday, May 11, 2009

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stone materials

"There is a wide range of materials that are obtained directly from nature and have many applications in construction. This is the case of some rocks and minerals.
rocks forming the earth's crust can be considered natural ceramic materials, although some of them are used almost exactly as they appear in nature. Others must go through a process of polishing, grinding, etc. In order to be used. Some of the most commonly used stone materials are as follows.

The beach sand is composed of very small fragments of rock. It is widely used in construction to develop other materials: mortar, concrete, paving roads, etc..

- Gravel The gravel is a material composed of rock fragments larger than sand. Adds consistency to different mixtures used in construction. Mixing it with sand, water and cement ...

- gypsum plaster that is used in construction, or cast live, is obtained from natural gypsum or hydrated calcium sulfate. Is a whitish powder that is mixed with an equal volume of water ...

- Marble Marble is a limestone rock with a crystalline structure. In nature appears with many different grains and colors, and is very compact. Marble tiles are manufactured, tables, countertops ...
- Granite Granite is a rock composed of very hard, and can be of different colors: white, black, pink, green, etc.. It is used to build stairs, bases of statues, paving, ...

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Monday, April 27, 2009

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HISTORY OF CERAMIC What could be more natural than taking a lump of clay from the riverbed and make a figurine? Thus began the creation of clay objects, from ancient times. Until the cities were not sedentary did not begin to make bowls and utensils. Only with the discovery that the heat the clay material changes to a firmware begins the history of ceramics. It is thought that this event occurred when the first cities went from being nomadic to sedentary. To give a date could talk ceramics ready-made lathes, that put us in Mesopotamia about 4000 BC but the earliest vessels date from the Mesolithic, around 6000 BC The first pottery known appears in Anatolia, in Asia Minor, to the 6000AC. If the first vessels are centered in Mesopotamia and Egypt, Greece, Crete, the first civilization in Europe, where the pottery attained great splendor. The pottery was superior to that of Mesopotamia and Egypt, the vessels were decorated with beautiful drawings and made a variety of ways. The painted decoration of Cretan ceramics dating from 1550 BC various colors were used, their beauty was unique. The painted decoration took the form d natural elements such as fish, trees, animals and plants. There was even disposable containers that were produced quickly and cheaply by potters. When the Cretan civilization declined artistic influence moved to the Hellenistic empire (300 BC) and Etruscan (600 BC) In Greece, Corinth and Athens were special facilities for the manufacture of ceramics. But pottery was considered an art in this civilization below, the metal was the main source of wealth. The ovens were prepared for a slight oxidation process that improved the product. Figures red and black figures were decorative items, with a profusion of human figures. The Romans assimilated the technique but its production was worse aesthetically more practical dimensions. In Europe the extension of the Byzantine Empire (In 330 AD Emperor Constantine proclaimed as the capital of the old Roman empire the Greek city of Byzantium) pottery was not so appreciated. The red gloss pottery the ancient Romans continued doing. Christian symbols appear. In Spain, the Iberians were made in 218 BC who became the first vessel to oxidation of iron and manganese. Disappeared with the Roman invasion but many technological improvements with the Muslim invasion technique greatly enriched and improved. Drawings in blue and white of the vessels were of great value and it was the Kufic script used as decoration. Much later the Renaissance and Baroque ceramics have the qualities of these styles, being the finest manufactures in Germany and Italy with real pictures painted on them. In the early XVIIII began in Europe in the manufacture of porcelain, which is to take a glass to the clay substance. Shortly afterwards invented the ceramic luster and mocha in England, although some authors argue that the authorship must give to the Arab people. The Arab people also take his heyday decorating buildings with tile ceramic, although in ancient Mesopotamia and the palaces of Assurbanipal Gerges and were decorated with tiles, some authors would have to find their origins in the old Chaldean. But it was not until the English Arts and Crafts movement (1910) that the tile produced by Morris and Co would be a work of art in itself and not simply more or less elaborate ornamentation to enhance the beauty of a set. The Ceramic Art and Coffee is priced through the roof, it's appreciated even the china. Of China would have to say that pottery is the most appreciated of the Tang Dynasty (618-906 AD) are world famous but the vases of the Ching Dynasty (1700 DC). Most of the pottery was glazed and had a very developed. In Spain the Talavera factory was very important and there arose exquisite pieces. The factory in Aranda, who pushed the Rococo style was also very important. A history has been the factory of Buen Retiro Carlos III for their quality work. But in Spain the pottery was considered a minor art paint having priority over everything. In the U.S. industrial ceramics begins around 1800 and around 1900 began artistic ceramics. USA highlights its Japanese influence and pop art to the 1950 with very commercial pieces.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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CERAMICA tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony and Landfill Containers

And say you have to do with the ceramics, as well the Egyptians have been among the best builders and just heard on the radio that seems to have discovered which can be located the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony as insurance will be talking about. LO are known egicios for his great constructions both pyramids and palaces. Of course I discovered the famous case of Tutankhamun for the death of his descrubidores it seems was due to fermentation of waste of the bats. Have if it is true and confirmed the story.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

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Catalonia Ceramica and brickwork

One way to find companies that have or are manufactured and Landfill Containers Catalonia is passed through machinery fairs are held on time in various cities of Spain which will find good prices and good construction materials. ls

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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The timber glass as a structural material

Glass Production

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Masonry-brick Production - ceramic-work Pathology

ceramic brick production

Structural Masonry

masonry units, materials and requirements are shown in the following format:
Masonry Materials & Systems

In next video you can see some tests on concrete blocks:

The pathology of the structures,

Pathology works factory buildings

Running walls must be made following the recommendations

In the execution of brick masonry in implementing necessary with the characteristic of mortar for masonry:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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dihedral system is a graphical representation that is to get the image of an object (in plan and elevation) by projecting beams projecting perpendicular to two principal planes projection, horizontal (PH) and vertical (PV). The object is represented by its front view (projection in the vertical plane) and top view (projection in the horizontal plane), or you can represent your side view, as auxiliary view.

The two figures on the left show the projections or views of a piece main dihedral system, while the right figure is the side view of the same piece, or lateral.
Contents [hide ]

1 Introduction 2 planes projecting main
3 Representation of a point
4 Representation of a line
5 Representation of a plane
6 Representation of a geometric volume
7 Representation of a circle
8 Different systems

9 External links / /

Introduction [edit ]
The descriptive geometry is the science dealing with how to represent a set of two or three dimensions in a plane. The basic system within this system geometry is dihedral or dihedral orthogonal projections. Gaspard Monge, French mathematician, was the one who codified their study and mechanism, for this we use two planes projecting that form between themselves a angle (90 degrees). Plans

main projecting [edit ]
The two planes are the main projecting Horizontal and Vertical. Their intersection is called a land line.
Horizontal Plane (HP): contains the horizontal projection plant. It is divided by the land line (TL) in the horizontal plane Posterior (back) and Horizontal Plane Previous (front). Plano
Vertical (PV): contains the vertical projection or sum . Is subdivided by Earth Line: Superior Vertical Plane (above) and Vertical Plane Inferior (below).

The three main orthogonal projections: front, top and side (elevation, plan and profile).
normally only used planes PH and PV, which cut the land line (LT) giving rise to a subdivision of space into four quadrants or dihedral angles.
also used as auxiliary plane, called:
Plano Profile (PP): contains the lateral left (or right). Plans

bisectors bisectors The two planes are those that divide the quadrants into two octants of 45 º each. The first bisector is the first and third quadrant and the second bisector in the second and fourth quadrant.
to represent in two dimensions (on paper) the main sights in the dihedral system carries out a leeway, which is rotated at, bat, or shoot down a main plane so that the horizontal plane (PH) overlaps the map Vertical (PV).

Representation of a point [ edit]

The two figures on the left correspond to a piece dihedral system view, while the right figure shows a section of the same piece, in isometric projection.
A point in space is represented by its two projections (as a shadow) on the principal planes: horizontal projection and vertical projection. Cota

dimension is called a point in space to the distance between it and its projection in the horizontal plane, or what is the same as the distance between the vertical projection and the Earth line (LT). Withdrawal

is called away from a point in space to the distance between and its projection in the vertical plane, or what is the same as the distance between the horizontal projection and the Earth line (LT). Coordinate Determination

A point can be determined by coordinates, the origin of this system is the intersection of horizontal planes, vertical and side views, taken from support. The X axis is determined by the line intersection of horizontal and vertical planes, ie on the ground line. The Y axis is determined by the line intersection of the horizontal and profile. The Z axis is determined by the line intersection of the vertical and profile.

Representation of a line [ edit]
A line is defined when you know its two projections, horizontal and vertical. The projection of a line on a map is another line formed by the projection of all points of it. Knowing the pairs of projections two points on a line, the projection is obtained by joining. Traces of a line

traces a line are points of intersection with the principal planes (PV and PH)

Representation of a plane [ edit]
A plane is defined by its two tracks: the vertical and horizontal. The trace of a plane are the lines of intersection with the principal planes (PV and HW).
A line belongs to a plane, if the vertical trace line is plotted on the vertical plane and also the horizontal trace of the line is above the horizontal trace of the plane. Chilling

For in true scale, representation of a figure contained in any plane, the plane swoops down on a major

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

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manufactures clay and concrete masonry

Running walls must be made following the recommendations

In the execution of brick masonry is necessary to run with the characteristic of mortar for masonry:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

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In building materials the most innovations are having is the manufacture of ceramic, pavers and tiles made from a environmentally friendly way less energy expenditure at the time of manufacture. The brickwork so popular in modern buildings prominently as building materials.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

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dihedral projection system basically consists of two planes of projection, perpendicular each other, called: principal planes of projection, and in particular way: vertical projection (VP) and horizontal projection (HP). The main components of the projection system dihedral are
PV (vertical projection),
PH (horizontal projection): a 900 with the PV,
LT (land line) is the intersection between the vertical and horizontal projection
O (origin): point common to the three coordinate axes, from which the coordinates are measured points,
X (y-axis coordinate x) axis on which they are measured coordinates (x ) of points, matches the line land,
Y (coordinate axis y): the axis about which the coordinates are measured (y) of points,
Z (z coordinate axis) axis on which the coordinates are measured (z) of points ,

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The cavalier perspective is a system of parallel oblique projection, in which the dimensions of projecting frontal plane, such as parallel elements to it, are true magnitude .

cavalier perspective. The semicircle parallel to the frontal plane is in real size (without deformation).
in cavalier perspective, two-dimensional projected volume to represent at the real scale and the third with a reduction coefficient. The two angular dimensions without distortion with scale lengths are width and height (x, y) while the dimension that reflects the depth (z) is reduced by a 1:2 ratio.
X and Y axes form an angle of 90 degrees, and Z axis is usually 45 degrees (or 135 º) for both.
can easily draw a volume from a side view or elevation , drawing from each vertex lines parallel to Z, to reflect the depth of the volume.
This type of projection is often used for its ease of implementation, although the final result does not give an image as real as that obtained with a conical projection .

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The isometric drawing. The word isometric means "equal measure" and comes from the prefix "isos" meaning equal and the word metric that expresses or means "measure." Thus, isometric means that three-dimensional drawing that has been done with axes inclined at an angle of 30 ° to the horizontal
One of the great advantages of isometric drawing is that you can make the design of any model without using any scale especially since the lines parallel to the axes taken in its true light. For example, the bucket when you draw in isometric form with all its edges is equal medida.EJES USED IN ISOMETRIC DRAWING. The base of the isometric drawing is a three axes are called isometric axes "representing the three edges of a cube, which together form angles of 120 ° a) isometric lines. Are those lines that are parallel to any of the three axes isométricosb) NO LINES isometric. Sloping lines are those on which you can not measure true distances, these lines when they are present in an isometric drawing and are not along the axes and are parallel to themselves. In addition, non-isometric lines are drawn taking as reference points other items belonging to isometric lines

Thursday, March 5, 2009

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PERSPECTIVE DRAWING. The cavalier perspective 1.
cavalier perspective to draw an object:
• 1-axis is plotted corresponding to the three dimensions of space: the width, length and height or depth. The axes of the width and height are perpendicular to the length or depth is 45 degrees with the other
PERSPECTIVE DRAWING. The cavalier perspective 2.
cavalier perspective to draw an object:

Knights: 2

• 2 nd floor is drawn from the object. On the lines of depth measurements are reduced by half or 2 / 3 parts.

Hair. 3

• 3 º are lifted and marked vertical heights.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How To Use The Shadow Pikachu