Monday, May 18, 2009

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ceramic The word (derived from the Greek κεραμικός Keramikos , "substance burnt.") This is the definition can be found in Wikipedia on ceramic . Throughout the centuries, ceramic manufacturing suffered a major economic development as the ceramic the face brick, pavers , arid ... This has meant An evolution to better conditions for using this type of ceramics and construction materials adapting them to modern architecture.

Monday, May 11, 2009

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stone materials

"There is a wide range of materials that are obtained directly from nature and have many applications in construction. This is the case of some rocks and minerals.
rocks forming the earth's crust can be considered natural ceramic materials, although some of them are used almost exactly as they appear in nature. Others must go through a process of polishing, grinding, etc. In order to be used. Some of the most commonly used stone materials are as follows.

The beach sand is composed of very small fragments of rock. It is widely used in construction to develop other materials: mortar, concrete, paving roads, etc..

- Gravel The gravel is a material composed of rock fragments larger than sand. Adds consistency to different mixtures used in construction. Mixing it with sand, water and cement ...

- gypsum plaster that is used in construction, or cast live, is obtained from natural gypsum or hydrated calcium sulfate. Is a whitish powder that is mixed with an equal volume of water ...

- Marble Marble is a limestone rock with a crystalline structure. In nature appears with many different grains and colors, and is very compact. Marble tiles are manufactured, tables, countertops ...
- Granite Granite is a rock composed of very hard, and can be of different colors: white, black, pink, green, etc.. It is used to build stairs, bases of statues, paving, ...

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